Create a Creature

Eidea is Closed.

Create a Creature And Add it to Eidea
    In order to create a creature and add it to Eidea, you'll need a Java-enabled browser such as Netscape 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0.

    If you have one of the latest browsers, all you need to do is click the link at right and follow its instructions.

    Note: If the world is currently overpopulated your creature will be added to a list to be processed later. So please add no more than one creature per day.

    Please be patient while the next page downloads, it may take a minute or more.

Check on the Status of a Creature
    You can check on the status of any currently alive creature in Eidea by clicking on the link at right. If you've added a creature to Eidea, be sure to remember its name so that you can check on it later.

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